AFC in the school classroom
AFC in the school classroom
Solovyova Marina Viktorovna
I will be glad to hear from you
We know that AFC classes are very useful for children with ASD and it is recommended to work out in the gym and at home, but let's not forget that the use of physical exercises at school is just as important and necessary!

Why to use the exercises in class?
1. Most importantly, the opportunity to correct the behavior! Just 5 minutes of correctly selected load - and the whole lesson children are more focused.
2. Tune in to the school day and relax after school.
3. Remove emotional stress immediately in case of undesirable behavior.
4. Fix and repeat the studied elements of academic classes (letters, numbers, spatial representations, names of animals, etc.)
5. Make interesting and diverse changes.

What can I do?

Of course, use physical training minutes.

I will say right away-the set of exercises will change and depend on the time of day and the purpose of application (morning invigorating complex or relaxing at the end of lessons, for example). I recommend making the complexes short of 3-4 exercises, taking into account the location of the desks and the organization of the class space as a whole.

Example of a morning complex: 1 aerobic exercise + 1 power + 1 static exercise + recovery of breathing (for example: running in place for 20 seconds + squats (with touching the seat of a chair) 10 times + "Swallow" 15 seconds + 8 breaths and exhalations with the spread of the hands to the sides).

What else can I do?

During breaks in the middle of the day, it is not necessary to perform whole complexes, do one exercise from the list:
1. Identify / repeat body parts.
2. Jump on landmarks on the floor (for example, tape a letter or number that you are currently studying and jump, pronouncing its name).
3. The elements of yoga with pictures of animals/names of objects, etc. (freeze in uncomplicated poses such as "Sit on the frog", "I Stand like a plane", "Stand like a tree", etc.).
4. Marching in place and around his Desk with his clockwise and counter-clockwise (working out directions of movements, orientation in space).
5. Play with the ball - if you are afraid to break something in class, you don't have to make throws: just pass the ball to each other sitting/standing, sideways/back to each other, roll the ball on the floor.
6. To do self-massage touch massager before and after the lesson (or massage the backrest to each other, for example).

And many more options.
  • School class is a great opportunity to integrate physical activity and additional communication development for children with ASD!
    Keep in mind that you should consult your teacher/coach to create safe exercise complexes. The set of exercises is individual for each class.
If you need help organizing AFC in the classroom – you can contact us by email or phone number provided on the website.

All school sport!
We know that AFC classes are very useful for children with ASD and it is recommended to work out in the gym and at home, but let's not forget that the use of physical exercises at school is just as important and necessary!

Why to use the exercises in class?
1. Most importantly, the opportunity to correct the behavior! Just 5 minutes of correctly selected load - and the whole lesson children are more focused.
2. Tune in to the school day and relax after school.
3. Remove emotional stress immediately in case of undesirable behavior.
4. Fix and repeat the studied elements of academic classes (letters, numbers, spatial representations, names of animals, etc.)
5. Make interesting and diverse changes.

What can I do?

Of course, use physical training minutes.

I will say right away-the set of exercises will change and depend on the time of day and the purpose of application (morning invigorating complex or relaxing at the end of lessons, for example). I recommend making the complexes short of 3-4 exercises, taking into account the location of the desks and the organization of the class space as a whole.

Example of a morning complex: 1 aerobic exercise + 1 power + 1 static exercise + recovery of breathing (for example: running in place for 20 seconds + squats (with touching the seat of a chair) 10 times + "Swallow" 15 seconds + 8 breaths and exhalations with the spread of the hands to the sides).

What else can I do?

During breaks in the middle of the day, it is not necessary to perform whole complexes, do one exercise from the list:
1. Identify / repeat body parts.
2. Jump on landmarks on the floor (for example, tape a letter or number that you are currently studying and jump, pronouncing its name).
3. The elements of yoga with pictures of animals/names of objects, etc. (freeze in uncomplicated poses such as "Sit on the frog", "I Stand like a plane", "Stand like a tree", etc.).
4. Marching in place and around his Desk with his clockwise and counter-clockwise (working out directions of movements, orientation in space).
5. Play with the ball - if you are afraid to break something in class, you don't have to make throws: just pass the ball to each other sitting/standing, sideways/back to each other, roll the ball on the floor.
6. To do self-massage touch massager before and after the lesson (or massage the backrest to each other, for example).

And many more options
  • School class is a great opportunity to integrate physical activity and additional communication development for children with ASD!
    Keep in mind that you should consult your teacher/coach to create safe exercise complexes. The set of exercises is individual for each class.
If you need help organizing AFC in the classroom – you can contact us by email or phone number provided on the website.

All school sport!
Author of the article: Marina V. Solovyova ©