How to train children with ASD at home?

How to train children with ASD at home?

Solovyova Marina Viktorovna
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Getting out of the usual comfort zone is, of course, difficult for both adults and children with ASD, but it is often necessary.
New conditions = new ways of adapting, expanding familiar boundaries and patterns of behavior.
For the development of a child with autism, it will be useful if the usual adaptive physical education classes in the gym are carried out in other places, in other formats: on the street, online, at home, on a trip, etc.
In this article, we will talk about the experience of doing home workouts for children with autism, when a specialist comes to the child himself.

When the coach comes home to the child, it can be stressful for the child. Where the child is used to being free, now you need to sit, wait, be limited in space and follow the instructions.
Therefore, the main task of the teacher is to make the meeting with the student and the working environment comfortable.
In order for the trainer to be ready for training at home and to be able to avoid some difficulties in building the training process, it is necessary to take into account the following possible features of the behavior of children during training at home:

1. Running out of the room (to the toilet, to drink in the kitchen, just to the corridor, etc.).
2. It is difficult not to be distracted by familiar household items, not to touch anything.
3. It's hard not to lie on the couch.
4. It is difficult to get motivated for the lesson.
5. It is difficult to withstand the load for a long time.

How to organize a workout, having the above difficulties? We answer!
The coach needs:
1. Clearly limit the space: close the doors of the room, determine the place for classes (tape, chips, etc.).
2. Use a timer.
3. Put a chair - a place for rest and waiting for the team.
5. Determine the place for the inventory (where to get it and where to put it away).
6. Prepare water in advance to avoid running away from the room to the kitchen.
7. Use safe household equipment (be careful with balls, dumbbells, exercises with throws).
9. Use motivation, visual schedule.
10. The ritual of greeting and farewell remains the same :).

When the structure of the workout in the gym is transferred home, the conditions are adapted, then the child's attention is concentrated and the lesson is successful.

You can watch a video example of training at home with the arrival of a trainer to a child with autism here:

#autfitness #autism #adaptive physical education # afk # mental disorders #autism #adaptivefitness #adaptive sports
Getting out of the usual comfort zone is, of course, difficult for both adults and children with ASD, but it is often necessary.
New conditions = new ways of adapting, expanding familiar boundaries and patterns of behavior.
For the development of a child with autism, it will be useful if the usual adaptive physical education classes in the gym are carried out in other places, in other formats: on the street, online, at home, on a trip, etc.
In this article, we will talk about the experience of doing home workouts for children with autism, when a specialist comes to the child himself.

When the coach comes home to the child, it can be stressful for the child. Where the child is used to being free, now you need to sit, wait, be limited in space and follow the instructions.
Therefore, the main task of the teacher is to make the meeting with the student and the working environment comfortable.
In order for the trainer to be ready for training at home and to be able to avoid some difficulties in building the training process, it is necessary to take into account the following possible features of the behavior of children during training at home:

1. Running out of the room (to the toilet, to drink in the kitchen, just to the corridor, etc.).
2. It is difficult not to be distracted by familiar household items, not to touch anything.
3. It's hard not to lie on the couch.
4. It is difficult to get motivated for the lesson.
5. It is difficult to withstand the load for a long time.

How to organize a workout, having the above difficulties? We answer!
The coach needs:
1. Clearly limit the space: close the doors of the room, determine the place for classes (tape, chips, etc.).
2. Use a timer.
3. Put a chair - a place for rest and waiting for the team.
5. Determine the place for the inventory (where to get it and where to put it away).
6. Prepare water in advance to avoid running away from the room to the kitchen.
7. Use safe household equipment (be careful with balls, dumbbells, exercises with throws).
9. Use motivation, visual schedule.
10. The ritual of greeting and farewell remains the same :).

When the structure of the workout in the gym is transferred home, the conditions are adapted, then the child's attention is concentrated and the lesson is successful.

You can watch a video example of training at home with the arrival of a trainer to a child with autism here:

#autfitness #autism #adaptive physical education # afk # mental disorders #autism #adaptivefitness #adaptive sports
Author: author and head of the project "Aut Fitness", teacher of physical culture FRC MSPPU, Solovyova Marina Viktorovna.
Author: author and head of the project "Aut Fitness", teacher of physical culture FRC MSPPU, Solovyova Marina Viktorovna.