
New articles by Marina Viktorovna 2020-2021

      The academic year 2020 – 2021 turned out to be an active one for the author and head of the "Aut Fitness" project, Marina Solovyova, who wrote scientific articles and publications in journals, including the Higher Attestation Commission.
      The topics of the publications are directly related to Marina Viktorovna's PhD research and reveal the essence of the problems of her dissertation research with the presentation of the developed diagnostics of physical fitness "FizRAS" and the results of its implementation.
      The articles can be found in the list and at the links below:
1. Solov'eva M. V. "Model of improving physical qualities and skills in children of primary school age with autistic spectrum disorders" / journal "Scientific notes of the P. F. Lesgaft University" No 9 (187) / / p. 362, October 2020.

2. Nikolaicheva A. S., Gatsuk E. A., Solovyova M. V. "Development of the balance function and the ability to move independently in children 4-6 years old suffering from cerebral palsy with preserved intelligence on the basis of intensive use of basketball tools" International Scientific and practical Conference " Basketball. Integration processes of Science and Practice", November 25, 2020, pp. 251-256

3. Solov'eva M. V., Shumskikh M. A. "Features of the use of remote technologies in the organization of online lessons on adaptive physical culture for children with autism spectrum disorders" Assistance to socially vulnerable persons using remote technologies (Internet counseling and distance learning): Proceedings of the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, Moscow, November 27 – 28, 2020 / ed. by B. B. Aysmontas, L. A. Alexandrova, V. V. Bartsalkina, E. V. Gurova, M. A. Odintsovo. - Moscow: MGPPU, Publishing House "Bahrach-M", 2020. - p. 124-129

4. Solov'eva M. V. "Diagnostics of readiness of children with autistic spectrum disorders to overcome social stigmatization by means of physical education", Journal "Adaptive Physical Culture" No. 4 (84), 2020, pp. 14-16

5. Solovyova M. V. "Diagnostics of physical development and fitness of children with autism spectrum disorders", Scientific and theoretical journal Scientific Notes of the P. F. Lesgaft University No. 12 (190) - 2020, pp. 237-241.*=se%2F2OGU6YSd%2FRffmwG7oJmFDKhp7InVybCI6InlhLW1haWw6Ly8xNzUwNzc0MzU1MTQwNDA2NzEvMS4yIiwidGl0bGUiOiI1Ni5wZGYiLCJub2lmcmFtZSI6ZmFsc2UsInVpZCI6IjI1MzI2MDM5IiwidHMiOjE2MjM0MTM5MDU3NDAsInl1IjoiMTM3OTY0MTQ2MTUxMTM3NzYyMyJ9

6. Solov'eva M. V., Melnikova N. Yu. "Organization of physical education of primary school children with autistic spectrum disorders", VNIIFK journal "Bulletin of Sports Science" number 2 for 2021, pp. 51-55

      Congratulations to Marina Viktorovna and we wish you a successful defense of your PhD thesis in 2021 and new scientific publications!