
Lectures from Art Fitness for a volunteer project in Kazakhstan

2023-03-26 01:24 2022
In April 2022, a volunteer project was held to help parents of children with mental disabilities. The organizer was Nailya Katkenovna Anafina, an employee of the scientific and practical center "Mashkhurovedenie" of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (now: NAO "Toraighyrov University").

The founder of the Aut Fitness project, Marina Solovieva, was already a participant in the volunteer project in 2020, the experience of 2022 was not the first and will not be the last. Such meetings of like-minded people help to be filled with inspiration for work, establish contacts and gain invaluable experience.

Toraigyrov University has organized online refresher courses for teachers and trainers working with PLO and weakened elderly people. They consisted of lectures by leading scientists, psychologists, psychotherapists, trainers from Kazakhstan, Israel, Ukraine and Russia.

The courses are aimed at getting acquainted with new trends, help to find solutions in particularly difficult situations and contribute to professional development.

Details about the course in the video at the link:

Read about the organizers' plans and their goals in the article:

The participants of the courses covered topics about music therapy, psychology, family relationships and more. The project touched on narrowly focused topics related to autism, work with this syndrome and ways to reduce its manifestations. The materials were the latest progressive research and practices that have led to positive results for many people. After completion, participants received certificates of advanced training.

Marina Solovieva gave lectures in the amount of 6 hours on the topic "Adaptive physical culture for children with ASD and other mental disorders. Methodology, correction of motor skills, exercises". The listeners appreciated the material prepared by Marina and gave a lot of positive feedback.

Such courses have been held for several years, this is becoming a constant trend. therefore, parents of children with autism spectrum disorders will never be left alone with their misfortune, research in solving their problem will continue to be conducted.

We congratulate Marina on such an experience, we are proud that the founder of our large-scale project contributes and helps not only children and their parents, but also specialists. We thank Naila Katkenovna for the invitation and the transfer of invaluable experience.