
Marina Viktorovna's speech at the Adaptive Sports Day at the festival "People as People" on April 1, 2023

2023-09-03 20:09 2023
On April 1, 2023, the Day of Adaptive Sports was held in ROSNOU as part of the VII All-Russian Inclusive Family Festival #Ludikaklyudi, where Marina Solovyova gave a master class for children and advised parents.

The Aut Fitness project was also presented, which helps people with disabilities to play sports and stay active.

A discussion panel "Actual problems of the development of adaptive physical culture and sports for children with ASD in Russia" was held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Sports of Russia and the Special Olympics of Russia. It was a pleasant conversation that brought joy to all those present and useful knowledge to the listeners.

Marina Solovyova was pleased to meet the participants personally and talk about the importance of creating conditions for the participation of children with ASD in competitions and overcoming social stigma. There was an acquaintance with representatives of other adaptive sections and cooperation with them began.

Marina Viktorovna spoke at the panel discussion "Actual problems of physical culture and sports development of children with ASD in Russia" with a master class "Systematic physical education classes - a means of socialization and adaptation of children with ASD", told about the difficulties of socialization of families and how AFC helps to overcome these difficulties.

You can watch the performance at the link, time code 38.50 – 1.03

It was an honor for Marina Solovieva to speak among the General Director of the Special Olympics of Russia, President of the Potanin Foundation, Head of the Department of AFK RSUFKa, professors and doctors of sciences. Despite the high status of the speakers, the discussion turned out to be very emotional. And, most importantly, its participants came to a positive result of discussing issues - probably competitions for children with ASD will take place.

The beginning has been made, the process is serious and not fast, but new horizons are opening up ahead that will be able to bring the quality of life of children with ASD and their families to a new level. This year adaptive sports had a separate playground and a whole day of assistance to families and children with developmental disabilities.

We express our gratitude to Alina Akhmetova for the invitation to speak and become part of the beginning of something very significant in the development of the physical culture movement of children with ASD in Russia.