
Presentation of the BRICS international certificate

      On May 29, 2021, the congress of leading figures of science, medicine and psychology of the International Organization BRICS was held. The invited guests are representatives of China, Syria, South Africa, leading experts in the field of Chinese medicine, reflexology, nuclear physics and psychology.
      The purpose of this event was the exchange of experience between specialists, the presentation of new scientific research in different fields, as well as the awarding of young scientists and specialists, whose highly professional work was noted by representatives of the BRICS organization and selected for the award ceremony.
      The certificate of the international standard "For excellent professional work in the field of physical education of children with autism" was received by the author and the head of the project "Aut Fitness" Solovyova Marina Viktorovna.
      We congratulate Marina Viktorovna and wish her further success in the international arena!