
Results of Aut Fitness performances at the festival "People as People" on April 1-2, 2023

The annual All-Russian Festival "People as People" in honor of the World Autism Awareness Day, which took place until April 2, 2023, has ended. Numerous activities were carried out within the framework of the All-Russian Week of Dissemination of Information about Autism. Participants could choose educational activities for themselves.

Results of the festival People as people:

• Marina Solovieva spoke at the seminar on March 30, presented her technology for AFC for children with PAC Aut Fitness. This technique helps children to stay active and undergo a gentle adaptation in society.
"AFC technology for children with ASD Aut Fitness" at the All-Russian online seminar "Development and application of evidence-based practices for working with children with ASD", FRC MGPPU, March 30, 2022

Recording of the speech, timecode 1.31 - 1.50 :

1. A lecture was held for specialists of Khakassia, they learned about the difficulties of adaptive training of children with ASD and methods of overcoming them. "Organization of group work with children with mental disorders" at the III Republican Forum "Special view", Rep. Khakassia, April 1, 2023

• Marina Solovyova spoke at the Adaptive Sports Day and presented her project.
"Systematic physical education classes – a means of socialization and adaptation of children with ASD" at the panel discussion "Actual problems of physical culture and sports development of children with ASD in Russia" at the Adaptive Sports Day at the All-Russian Inclusive Family Festival "People as People", April 1, 2023.

Recording of the speech, time code 38.50 – 1.03

• On March 31, a joint live broadcast was held with Victoria Tyulyakova, an excellent specialist, with whom there was already joint work at intensive courses in Rostov-on-Don and Saratov. Marina and Victoria talked about the importance of the joint work of a speech pathologist and an AFC coach, and also touched upon the most interesting and useful topics for parents and specialists on the development and correction of children with developmental disabilities.

The broadcast is available at the link:

We express our gratitude to Marina Solovyova for her painstaking work, which helps many children with ASD.