
"Round table on AFC at the festival" People as People " on April 2, 2021»

      On April 2, 2021, at the annual All-Russian festival "People as people", dedicated to the Day of the World Dissemination of Information about Autism, the social teacher of the FRC MSPPU Evgenia Vladimirovna Khilkevich and the teacher of physical culture of the FRC, the author and head of the project "Aut Fitness" Solovyova Marina Viktorovna, who became the leaders of the section in the direction of adaptive sports for children with ASD, spoke.
      This year, the topic of adaptive physical culture and sports was covered in a new format – a round table was held, where for two hours different speakers covered the current problems of adaptive physical education for children with ASD: how to find a sports section and choose a coach for AFC or sports direction, whether children with ASD can play high-performance sports and participate in competitions, whether it is possible to engage in physical activity online and what are the prospects for adaptive physical education and sports in the future in Russia.
      Representatives of adaptive sections of various directions for children with ASD took part in the round table and told about their activities:
- Marina Solovyova-adaptive physical culture and fitness, "Aut Fitness" project»,
- Vladimir Yakovlev-hydro-rehabilitation, "I – swim" team»,
- Olga Popova-adaptive rhythmic gymnastics, project " School of Magic»,
- Galina Mazur-adaptive trampoline, rock climbing, project " School of Heroes»,
- Alina Akhmetova, adaptive figure skating, Crystal Puzzles project»
- Vyacheslav Mayserik, Tatiana Khachaturova-adaptive taekwondo, project "Motley Belt".
It was very interesting to listen to the opinions of experts from different fields and get acquainted with their experience.

Festival program: http://xn--2-8sbpysg1i.xn--p1ai/#program

We wish you active development of adaptive sports for children with ASD in Russia!