
Aut Fitness performance at the festival "People as People" on April 2, 2022

2023-03-26 01:14 2022
On April 2, 2022, an important and very useful annual Festival "People as People" was held, dedicated to the Day of Dissemination of Information about Autism. This event helps not only to understand the characteristics of people with mental disorders, but also allows you to learn how to successfully interact and work with them.

Marina Solovyova spoke in the format of a round table and took part in the discussion: "Adaptive sports: new opportunities". The conversation was aimed at informing parents of children with ASD and specialists. The discussion lasted an hour and a half and touched upon the pressing topics of the world of adaptive sports for children with autism: how to choose an adaptive section, a coach, is it possible to turn sports into a profession, what are the prospects for the development of adaptive sports for children with autism in Russia.

1. Master class (in person), 14.00 - 18.00, VDNH site at the All–Russian festival "People as People" dedicated to the Day of Dissemination of Information about Autism, April 3, 2022.

Speakers with extensive experience from various adaptive areas performed at the festival: AFC, swimming, taekwondo, figure skating, basketball, gymnastics. Such a large-scale event takes place only once a year, so participation in it is a great honor and joy.

Marina Solovyova held her master class "Adaptive physical education for children with ASD at home (for parents)" on April 3. As part of the festival, she also presented the author's project on adaptive physical education for children with mental disabilities "Aut Fitness". Marina Viktorovna told about his activities and the main areas of work – training with children, training parents and specialists, scientific and methodological work.

Congratulations to Marina Viktorovna for participating in such a large project, we wish her dedication and conquering even greater peaks.